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Yasheen Jadidi

I grew up in the small suburban town of Wilmette, Illinois. As an undergraduate, I received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a B.A. in Economics with honors from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). While at UIUC, I conducted research on homogeneous catalysis under Prof. Damien Guironnet and involved myself in community outreach programs. In Fall 2017, my graduate studies at Michigan State University (MSU) began. My research interests include biocatalysis, fermentation science, genetic recombineering, life cycle assessment, and techno-economic analysis. Prof. Christopher Saffron and Prof. Karen Draths co-advise me in my pursuit of a dual Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. My hobbies include brewing, studying chess, and playing soccer.

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